Our Story
Loss-iLahleko is a national Gender-Based Violence arts initiative that includes the first South African multilingual GBV book (loss-ilahleko a book of poems and stories) and it also includes a community awareness program against GBV, targeting children and vulnerable women’s groups. The main goal of the organisation and this programme is to do our part towards achieving sustainable development in South Africa by addressing GBV and Gender Equality which are right at the heart of that goal.
Featured Writers and Artists
Loss-ilahleko Books
Description: Written by twelve extraordinary South African female writers, Loss-iLahleko is a multilingual book series that offers one a journey of learning, awakening and healing, through a collection of translated books and audio books that hold within them the language of loss. A literary journey that moves between English and indigenous languages, capturing the beauty, the suffering and the trauma experienced by the women and children of South Africa and across the world. This work holds the indigenous languages of their mothers, whose reality mirrors the perpetual uncertainty and lack of security in a land they call home.
“Kuthwa amahlathi ayaphela and when you separate us from our bodies/you unsettle the trees in the forests/the leaves whisper our names/waiting for us to return”
Loss-iLahleko is now South Africa’s first multilingual and all female written poetry and prose book series that gives insight into the shadow pandemic that has long gripped South Africa and the globe. With content that is a must know for the whole family, buy a book for yourself and sponsor a free copy for a women or child.

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